Free Subscription TEST
Each monthly issue delivers the following types of articles and editorial content.
- Bankruptcies, Employee Relations, Wrongful Discharge, Truth-in-Lending Violations, Secured and Unsecured Loans as well as numerous other issues related to Credit Union operations
- Court Decisions and Regulations applicable to Credit Union Operations and Management
- However, we openly admit that to have seen all of those articles that month, you would have had to be a “Premium” (paid) subscriber — more on that below.
There has to be a reason that so many credit union managers and their attorneys — thousands of them — read the Credit Union Legal Newsletter, and why they’re from so many places. With subscribers in all 50 states, there’s got to be something that makes credit union managers and their attorneys want to read it month after month.
Click here for a free subscription
Is it Really Free?
Yes. No charge. While there is a paid subscription option, many Credit Unions and their attorneys who subscribe to CU Legal News don’t pay a dime: the only thing they had to provide was their e-mail address, name and location, so we can send it to them. What did they get for free? About half of an issue — they saw half the articles detailed above. Not descriptions of the articles, the entire articles (for the rest of the articles, they see a quick summary to see what they missed.) It makes for a nice quick read over the monthend — or on Monday morning when you get to the office so you can start your month off right. If you really must have all the articles, only then should you pay for them.
But the only way you can see all the articles, every month, is to subscribe. We don’t publish them on this site (there’s just a few samples, so you can get the idea). There’s a place below to put your e-mail address so you can get started.
Click here for a free subscription
No Strings Attached
If you’re not convinced, maybe you’re worried about your privacy. We do, after all, make you give us your e-mail address. If that’s your concern, well, quite frankly, we think you’re smart. But consider this: we don’t give or sell our members names or addresses to spammers! We started this Newsletter in 1990 — people would hate us by now if we did that (and rightly so). So check out our Privacy Policy page — it’s important enough that it’s listed in the navigation bar on every one of our main pages. In short, we never reveal your name, Credit Union or address to anyone because it’s bad for business. It’s as simple as that.
When we say “no strings attached”, we mean it. You can stay on the free distribution list for as long as you like — it’s not a “free sample” where you have to pay or get booted off. Obviously, we’ll try to entice you to “upgrade” your subscription to Premium, but you do not have to buy anything. Our goal is to provide you with such a great product for free that you’ll really want to receive the benefits of a Premium subscription.
Click here for a free subscription
Upgrading has its Benefits!
What’s this about the “Premium” subscription, now? The ongoing monthly costs of this is paid by clearly-marked third-party advertising in our e-mail distribution. (In fact, we hope you find CU Legal New‘s included ads interesting and worth visiting the sponsors’ sites to see what they offer — many are unique and interesting products and services in themselves.) Note we never send ads-only mailings.
Obviously, advertising in a short monthly publication certainly wouldn’t pay our online costs and pay the rent or put food on the table, so we have a couple of products that we sell to make our way in the world. The first is the Premium subscription. Premium subscribers get more articles, they get them earlier in the month, they get certain “extras”, and they have access to 10 years of legal news archives on the web site. Plus, there are no third-party ads in the Premium edition, so if you would rather pay a subscription fee than look at ads, we offer that option.
Premium subscription cost is $145.00 per year for twelve full printed issues of the Newsletter sent to you through the U.S. Postal Service. But if you’re not convinced you want that now, you may start out with a free subscription and make sure you’ll like it. We’re confident you will, so we are happy to wait for you to upgrade later.
To summarize, you get interesting, thought-provoking articles about Credit Union Legal News every month for free. You can buy upgrades to get more articles for free and to get access to our searchable 10 year article archive on our website. Your privacy is assured, and your simply being on our distribution helps support quality, independent voices on the Internet.
Anything else? Well, yes: we’re saying. Please Subscribe!