Right of Rescission: Michigan Court Ruled Each Borrower Must Receive Two Notices of Right to Cancel. The Michigan Court of Appeals has held that a mortgagor who is entitled to a notice of the right to rescind is in fact entitled to two copies of that notice for each borrower. In this case, each borrower […]
Archive for Secured Loans
Collateral: Embezzled Funds
Credit Union Board Member and Manager Pledged Embezzled Funds as collateral for Credit Union loan. Rebecca Caldwell was the manager, secretary and treasurer of Avondale Mills Bevelle Employees Federal Credit Union. She also served on the credit union’s Board of Directors. Caldwell took a blank Certificate of Deposit from the credit union and directed […]
Credit Union Repossession of Mobile Home
In this case, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island held that Equitable Credit Union acted properly when it repossessed debtor’s mobile home after the bankruptcy court discharged debtor and the bankruptcy stay had been lifted. The debtor borrowed money from the credit union and granted a security interest to the credit union in his […]
Deposit Set-Off Not Allowed
This case held that a credit union’s “freeze” on a bankrupt members’ account violates the bankruptcy court’s automatic stay if the member’s loan secured by the deposit is not in default. In this case, the debtors previously borrowed funds from the credit union and granted to the credit union a security interest in their deposits […]
Mobile Home Lien Superior to Real Estate Mortgage
In this case, the Colorado Court of Appeals held that the credit union’s lien on a borrower’s mobile home was superior to a mortgage held on the real estate upon which the mobile home was permanently built. Here, ENT Federal Credit Union (hereinafter “ENT”) granted a loan to Alice Ripley secured by her mobile home. The […]
Debtor Denied Right of Rescission By Court
Credit Union Violates Truth in Lending Act, but Court denies co-borrowers Right of Rescission of mortgage, as mortgage was not on co-debtors’ primary residence. Here, the Coxes (Borrowers) were indebted to Knox County School Employees Credit Union. Debtors wanted to borrow additional funds from the credit union to be secured by their residence. Debtors did […]
1099-C Reporting: Debt Cancellation
The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act includes a section requiring certain financial institutions, including credit unions, to report discharges of indebtedness of $600 or more during any calendar year to the IRS on Form 1099-C, entitled “Cancellation of Debt”. The IRS has published regulations implementing the law requiring credit unions and other financial institutions to report annually on […]
Nondischargeable Refinanced Debt
In this case, a California Appellate Panel rendered an opinion favoring creditors who refinance a debt in reliance upon a fraudulent financing statement, even though no new money is advanced. In this case, debtors had an existing loan with the bank and were unable to make the agreed payments. Debtors requested an extension of time to […]
Punitive Damages: Truth in Lending Violation
In this case, a jury awarded the debtor $46,225 plus punitive damages of $100,000. Here, Pioneer Savings loaned $39,000 to Lannigan secured by the debtor’s real estate. The initial interest rate was “8 1/2%”. The loan documentation provided that Pioneer: … may hereafter decrease said interest rate and may also increase the rate upon giving […]
Credit Union’s Erroneous Legal Description Defeated Mortgage Enforcement
An Erroneous legal description in a Credit Union mortgage was fatal to enforcement of mortgage. Here, Electric Boat Community Federal Credit Union (EBC), granted a loan to Louis Salerno (Salerno) that was supposed to be secured by a mortgage on the debtor’s real estate. In the mortgage document, however, the credit union inadvertently identified the real estate […]